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Recent content by employersmoke

  1. employersmoke

    [OPEN] Ares Faction Recruitment (2023-2024)

    What is your IGN?: employersmoke How old are you?: 13 What is your time zone?: CST What is your online time? (Use /ot in game to check) 83 hrs 5 mins (before reset) What is your in-game rank and your donor rank? (If applicable): Biochemist, No donor rank. What skills would you say you are...
  2. employersmoke

    Retirement Faction Recruitment 2023-2024

    In-Game Name: employersmoke Age: 13 What time zone are you in: CST Chem/Cop Rank: Biochemist Donator Rank: N/A Online Time (/ot): 80 hrs 40 min Previous Factions: N/A Reasons you left: N/A Qualities that you feel benefit us: I'm very good at blowing things up. Why we should accept you over...