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Invalid Staff Report: Dakota (Lol)

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Your IGN : 890
Player to be reported : Dakota
Player being reported Rank : Admin/Owner?
Describe your issue in detail : In chat I was discussing how historically blacks as a population had exhibited average IQs substantially below those of whites, which has been proven true in numerous studies.

See: (academic institution)
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life - NYTimes Best-seller (interesting read) (scholarly article)

"Currently, the 1.1 standard deviation difference in average IQ between Blacks and Whites in the United States is not in itself a matter of empirical dispute."

Somebody who does not understand the difference between correlation and causation may claim this is racist, however this discrepancy in IQ is due to a large number of environmental and genetic factors, and scientifically proven. In fact, it is important to acknowledge the Black-white IQ gap to prevent discrimination in the hiring process! (which was the main point I made in chat). After I put this in chat, Dakota proceeded to temp-mute me for a day for "being a jackass" to which I logged in the teamspeak to discuss with him why I was muted. I began a chat with him on teamspeak, to which he (like a little angry kid) refused to let me speak and kicked me from the teamspeak. I decided to join back to try to talk to him and explain myself however he banned me from the teamspeak and perm banned me from the server

Why do you feel this is worth a report : facts and statistics can not be racist (see above), and I do not see how I was being a jackass by citing this statistic especially considering I tied it into preventing discrimination in the hiring process. I understand Dakota is one of the owners however I believe he had a lapse of judgement here and let his personal vendetta against me(origin unknown) influence his decision making in this situation. I should at the very least be allowed to discuss why I was muted with a staff member without being banned out of rage... On top of that, everyday in chat I see many people call people jews, nigg*rs, etc. with no repercussions or warnings, the same standards should be applied to everybody. I know it is futile to report staff abuse of an owner but I hope he can see this situation through my eyes and reconsider what happened.

Attached Evidence here : see above for evidence of my claims
a couple other staff members were in the channel when I was banned (Trump, maybe Solo?) not sure about everyone


New Member
You're a moron. Report invalid.
Lol, let some other staff members look at it and come to their own conclusion. Everything I said in chat was factually accurate and not even intended to offend people but intended to teach people. You were crying about how I'm lying and how you wanted an article from an academic institution to prove my claim. I provided three above and I guarantee you didn't click on one. Also it may be moronic to pursue something as trivial as a staff report on the owner of the server (although obvious abuse of power), but if you can't understand basic statistics and standard deviations I think there's a bigger problem here. You're unwillingness to communicate with me about the issue and your dismissive attitude lead me to believe that you know I'm smarter than you (don't worry bud, you're in the majority) ;)


New Member
I do not see how the report is invalid, I raise valid points and valid concerns. If you want to deny it please provide me with some explanation as to why you're doing so- especially being that it is a report directed at yourself


Staff member
Lol, let some other staff members look at it and come to their own conclusion. Everything I said in chat was factually accurate and not even intended to offend people but intended to teach people. You were crying about how I'm lying and how you wanted an article from an academic institution to prove my claim. I provided three above and I guarantee you didn't click on one. Also it may be moronic to pursue something as trivial as a staff report on the owner of the server (although obvious abuse of power), but if you can't understand basic statistics and standard deviations I think there's a bigger problem here. You're unwillingness to communicate with me about the issue and your dismissive attitude lead me to believe that you know I'm smarter than you (don't worry bud, you're in the majority) ;)
I never cried to you about anything. After you were muted ingame for it, I brought you into teamspeak to tell you that you were on your last warning about saying stupid shit like that. You then continued to say stupid shit like that, so I banned you. Sure, you could interpret me as abusing my power, but I'm sure that most people are fine with it in this situation because everybody is tired of you.


New Member
I never cried to you about anything. After you were muted ingame for it, I brought you into teamspeak to tell you that you were on your last warning about saying stupid shit like that. You then continued to say stupid shit like that, so I banned you. Sure, you could interpret me as abusing my power, but I'm sure that most people are fine with it in this situation because everybody is tired of you.
I didn't continue to say 'stupid shit', I tried to ask how what I said was stupid and explain myself which you did not give me the liberty of doing so. Either way I don't understand how speaking about a legitimate issue in the real world (discriminatory hiring processes) is stupid- maybe a bit high-level for minecraft, but regardless, don't see how that fits under even the original mute, "dont be a jackass". Even if everyone on this server is tired of me (which I can assure you is not true), to ban me for something that isn't against the rules because of your personal problems with me is bad looks bro
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