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Denied Ban Appeal - M1nD_Fr34K

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New Member
Member Name M1nD_Fr34K

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: M1nD_Fr34K

Length of Ban: 5 days

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : temp ban

Staff who banned you : MilkyBag

Staff who dealt with you : MilkyBag

Staff who have warned you previously :

Reason for ban on record : Anti-Knock back hacks

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : I wasn't getting knocked back on the ledge of the entrance to the prison

What is your explanation of this reason? I was crouching on the ledge and someone tired using their knock back sword on me and it didn't work so a staff member came by and banned me

Why should we unban you? i never did anything wrong i was just crouching on the ledge of a pvp area and a knock back sword didn't work

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? don't go near a pvp area where people might false accuse

How can we trust you again? You can trust me again because if you did what i did you would get the same results

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? I just started in the server and got banned within an hour for crouching on a ledge


Active Member
I was shown a video of the incident you are talking about. You were hit 3 times and didn't budge at all.


Staff member
Contributor III
After testing it with other staff members and players, it was clear you were using 3rd party software.
Appeal Denied.
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