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Next Map - Shop Suggestion

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The current shop system that we have in place is definitely the best that I have seen within any Drug Server, it allows for a quick purchase of items without needing to move from your location, making it efficient for building farms etc.

However, I believe that the /shop command should be a luxury and not given to all, therefore I suggest that implementing the command at a higher rank would be more advantageous. Having a general /warp shop or some kind of shop building in spawn for those who are of lower rank, then having the /shop command for those of whom are much higher. The rank you have to be for this command is purely down to the Owners discretion.

Essentially, the /warp shop or spawn shop would be the current prices that we have now, then the /shop would be slightly deducted prices. This would then entice players to move through the ranks.

Also having the ability to sell random items at the shop would be a nice implementation. We are constantly getting new players asking where they can sell gold blocks, iron ingots etc. and perhaps adding a sell option into the shop would be a good way to make a secondary small income (for low prices of course, so nobody can get stupid rich of selling 1000 invs of cobble).


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
I am unsure if it is worth the effort required to create two shop systems, as it doesn't add all that much to the mechanics of buying items through the ranks. Most players would still use the command, we have been told time and time again that players would much prefer commands that they can use anywhere when compared to NPC's or regions.

As for selling general items. We once said that we would never allow players to sell anything other than Drugs to make money, we added fish, but we feel that this is a great balance. It is very unlikely that players will ever be able to sell general items to the server, for various reasons, balancing being a big factor.

Thank you for your suggestion.
We're really interested in what anyone has to say, as for suggestions - for the next map :)
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