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Cyanide's super epic Mule guide

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MCDrugs Vanilla Muling Guide
by ACyanide (2020-21 edition)

*This is mostly a response to absolutely nobody's questions, in fact not a single person asked but I'm doing this because I have the answers you need. This is meant to be E for everyone.*

Muling basics
If you have never muled before, then you most likely assume it's only for new players that need money, however learning how to run like a pro can get you good cash as well as help your own runs.

All of the commands for muling are shown here, do /mule help in game for this exact list

The best thing you could do first is plan out routes to the dealer you want, while having a backup plan when the original route fails. This is why the start of the map is the best because everyone is unfamiliar with the map, so knowing your routes makes you superior already.

The map above highlights all the dealers including all the TD's (traveling dealers). The fastest distance between two points is a straight line, although obstacles (like cops) will force you to switch up your route to something more fancy.

Unlike the past few maps, this map gives mules more room for creativity, as there are more flexible routes. The dealers this map aren't packed into one area (slums, 2019 map) and the spawn isn't stuck into a small valley corner (2018 map), limiting your exit points. Which brings me to the next point..

(2018-19 map) ew.
Spawn Exits
The exit you choose will ultimately dictate your route variation. We commonly use only 3 exits, but there's a total of 9. Cops are most likely waiting on the east side of spawn (forest area above hospital) because they're aware you need to go east/southeast to sell. Switching up your exit point may put you on a longer route but it's likely more safer.
Look around spawn for smart routes and make plans depending on the amount and type of cops on duty.
Posting Jobs
Your job price should vary on the drug you're posting, and if there's a booster or not. Off boost, mules make $4k per run while on boost (x2) you can make around $12k per run. (You can make about $400k per hour off boost, $1.25mil per hour on boost)
Higher priced drugs can be posted with lower cuts, and lower drugs for higher cuts. 25% is a safe cut if you are unsure what to post drugs for.
Tipping players that mule efficiently/successfully on boosters for you is a smart way to show your appreciation, as reliable mules are more likely to run for you again.
Knowing your enemy
Understanding what abilities cops have and the abilities available to you is important. Cops have several police abilities in /ashop along with using mounts and particle packs. There are ways to counter these abilities with equipment of your own.
The police abilities can be matched with potions, specifically speed and invisibility.
Mounts can be matched with mounts. They are accessible to all players with /rentmount. Consider using a black mount so you can ride in the shadows.
"BuT cYaNiDe YoU cAnT cOuNtEr PaRtIcLe pAcKs" :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

The only real way to combat particle packs is with experience, which is a difficult concept for new players and idiot players to understand. New players see this as unfair because experience is something they lack, and it's not an solid object in game which frustrates their small brains. Idiot players are very closed minded, making it harder for them to gain the experience needed.
Try switching up your routes and using all the items available to you to your advantage.
Other useful items are Space boots, Jack O lantern, Smuggler shoes, and armour with depth strider.
A word from our Sponsor
Shop A4!

All potions can be bought from Shop A4. If you want a potion that isn't in stock or if you want to make your own order of potions, contact the owner in game or on discord Cyanide#9231.
There are frequent sales and the prices change based on demand.
Here are some popular reviews of our shop!

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I fell asleep while reading like a loser... so what did you say this whole time??
Fast mule runs are great, but if you can mule consistently than it'll be more beneficial to you. Making fast runs will come to you over time. Have a few route plans so you wont be caught unprepared by the pigs.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I be cool like you? -
You cannot be as cool as me, only partially as cool. But getting on mule top is a good start.

What are the benefits of muling? - I get very bored of farming so something like muling can be exciting. Quick cash is usually the main reason people mule but if you are good at it and can mule consistently like myself, you're bal will start to add up. As of now, I have earned roughly about $93,030,000 from muling alone.

Where is the best place to sell? - The higher percent is always better, but it depends on your goal. If you just want fast money, selling 3 runs to P4 might be better than selling 1 run to Prison. But if you want the most cash then Prison (20%), TD's (20%), MP dealer (15%), and MVP++ (15%) are your best options.

When's the best time to pop a booster? - Ideally you want the least amount of cops and the most amount of mule jobs. Knowing players with large farms and talking with them before is a good idea to plan when to pop it. In the middle of the night or in the morning is when the least amount of people are on so that might be your best option.

Are the Traveling Dealers worth it? - If the dealer is close by (Casino, Los Pollos, Monkey Tree) then that gives you a super quick run but cops are more likely to camp these. The negative about cops camping TD's is that there isn't many ways to get around them. Dealers far away (Tunnel, Lighthouse, Radio Station) are obviously longer but cops are less likely to camp them.
The MCDrugs library dealer is the best in my opinion. Routes to there are similar to MP and Reg dealer, and cops typically do not camp there.

Any other pro tips for muling? -
- Check F5 for cops behind you. Those fuckers really come up quick and it sucks being caught off guard.
- Take note of where certain cops like to camp. Knowing where everyone camps or patrols can allow you to use some big brain probability to predict where the best route is.
- Use sounds to your advantage. Turn subtitles on if don't want to use sounds.

What are the side effects of being a pro mule? - Being a pro mule, you may develop PTSD. For example, you may see the suicide booth on the side of your screen and think it's a cop when it just happens to be the same shade of blue.

Any additions, removals, or edits, please reply or contact on the server discord. Any questions you can ask below!
Thank you Griff for the template.
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