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A list of ideas that would help the server.

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New Member
Simple Suggestions to help the server in the coming months from ya boi Harambe.

- Adding more player shops, like a second floor for VIP's and up

- Add Prismarine as a drug, maybe it would be speed or something, it would give players to go exploring for ocean monuments and build guardian farms which as of now are pretty much useless.

- Skyblock server [like how creative was added] [50% Sure this is being worked on, been told by insiders]

- Alcohol, Adds more purpose for brewing, sell it to a hobo at spawn or something along those lines, cops are allowed to brew legal alcohol and us druggies can brew both legal and illegal alcohol [Illegal would sell for more]

- Re-add player housing at spawn, i know that cops have this i think, but maybe add a hotel so you can store things there, like last map.

- A cop tutorial where it shows you how to frisk people and where to sell drugs [like a tutorial island from and MMO]

- Expand the end as the map progressively get bare, so people have more chances to get good loot and elytras.

- A max price for items on player shops, to stop people from overpricing things like spawners

- Raids[Like Destiny or WoW], like the basement of the sell point is a raid, fight through mobs or npc's
you get things like drugs, loot [rarity depends on how many people are taking part or something]

- Quests, make them work like last map

Sorry if this is long, its just some ideas that have been in my head for a bit and i wanted to get an opinion on these and i want to help the server bring in new players and keep current players hooked.

- Ya boi the resurrected HarambePlaysMC


Well-Known Member
Hello, HarambePlaysMC thank you for making a suggestion for the server! I looked at all the ideas you have given, i honestly think some of these ideas were pretty good and could help out the server. The raids idea is basically just Mob Arena where you fight mobs and there are waves of them and you get loot after you die, i personally think mob arena would be a cool edition to the server. The cop tutorial is also a good idea too it would help New Cops understand how to do there job correctly. Cops dont have housing at spawn but it may become a thing but player housing is like plots almost and there would be almost no point in raiding accept raiding a farm or something. I like all your ideas, i assume as minecraft begins to add more items and stuff to do in the game that the server will add new stuff, i will mention your ideas to some of the staff. Thank you for the suggestion. - Chris :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know how possible all of these are, but there are some really cool suggestions here.There is a possibility that more player shops could be added unless I'm completely unaware that the amount we have is final.I like the idea of having prismarine as a drug since I have seen some very cool guardian farms that, as you said, are somewhat useless. There has been talk of doing stuff with alcohol in the past, but to my knowledge it has not been used on any previous maps, if anyone knows that is wrong, you are free to correct me. But the idea of having cops able to brew legal alcohol is a pretty cool idea and could allow for cops to have more things to do, so I like that. We used to have a cop tutorial building, so if we find room there is a possibility that could be added in. With the mob arena and the quests, again, we've had them in the past, so they could probably be added back in. Keep in mind though, although all these things are possibilities, finding plugins or even needing to get them made would take time and money, and there could be reasons that these things can't be added that I don't know of, so I would wait until one of the owners says something for definite answers, but these are just some of my thoughts so don't read into them too much.


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
Wohoo, I get to do another list!

  1. I have attempted to make this possible, however - there is still discussion about how it may/may not be possible. We would need to completely revamp the whole current system to make this possible in any way. We completely agree that this is a great idea, however - we have been discussing it for a while and have come to no easy solution.
  2. Drugs must be renewable, farmable and infinite!
  3. I have been advised by my legal counsel that I must refuse comment.
  4. We haven't added this yet, as we have not found a way that would make it interesting and useful, we are against simply adding it for it to be there. We want it to be fun, engaging and interesting. We are yet to find a way to do this, we may look into developing it in the future - but this has been something we have been discussing for a while :)
  5. I don't really have much to say, this is incredibly hard to pull of correctly. I'm sure others will have more of an insight then me - as my opinion is simply that I have no issue with it, as long as it's done correctly. Which can be difficult with out current spawn layout.
  6. This could easily be done, however we never deemed it necessary as the book that was written by the late DrunkenSniper(May Lance rest his soul) was enough, especially considering the rules that the all cops must read before applying.
  7. World borders are an iffy topic, in the past we have periodically cleared the end and the nether as a way to keep people in the main world. I feel that extending the end would make even more players vacate the main world to the end - which I am thoroughly against.
  8. I certainly don't disagree with this, however - I would need more input on players as to what a fair max price would be. This should transition the auction house to a place where players use their one listing for single items that should fetch prices above this sum.
  9. We have tried to not "OverDevelop" our server, we have been tempted to add PvE elements before and trialed many. They often simply don't fit, and there are plenty of other places to do those kinds of things. Maybe, if we added some other mini-games etc, possibly. But I don't see something like that simply being added to MCD.
  10. Quests will be coming back, however they're incredibly time consuming to create. Dakota single handedly created them all last map, as I was in hospital at that time. When we get some development time, they will be returning.
Thank you so very much for these suggestions, I hope this helped give you some insight as to what I think of the suggestions - and most likely how they will impact the server.

We take all legitimate suggestions very seriously. If you have any suggestions at all, feel free to make a list or just a short post, we will always get back to you!
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