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News Awesome Teamspeak Update


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
Hey guys!

I'm so excited to announce what I have been working on lately, due to the ongoing issues with my last project (which we're citing as a "Work in Progress" at this point as we have had some significant unforeseeable issues with integration), I have been eager to bring something else I was interested in working on to light.

Today, I'd like to introduce you all to Jenson!


Essentially, you can throw him any YouTube url/most hosts for media files, and he will play them out loud(Just like Plug.DJ!)

He is currently in very early testing, and will only be controllable by High Staff for the time-being. He will also reside in a private channel available for VIP's and above to join - this may or may not be temporary.

He is incredibly versatile and is able to manage and create Playlists with audio stream links or even direct youtube video links. He has a full queue system, volume control, full random radio channels & is entirely controllable from teamspeak itself.

As many of you know, I have also recently added a validation feature to teamspeak - allowing those who have donated to receive their rank automatically without staff involvement.

I plan on working with you all to make this as interesting and engaging as possible, and hope that you all enjoy it very much. If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to let me know!

I will make updates to this post when there are changes to the availability of commands players are able to do, and how you're able as a player to interact with Jenson.

Edit - We're going to be doing a VIP only beta test for the next few days to see how it all works out!
To request a song to the queue, in the room with Jenson type !addyoutube url
To add it to the queue, or (!addyt url)
*Any abuse of this current system will result in a ban*

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But, but what if someone plays some porno or something lol?

*Edit* Never mind I just saw that message of abusing his powers.

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