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Eden Faction Recruitment 2021-2024


Staff member
2021 Gold Founder
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: UnTeachable_

Age: 19

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Trainee

Online Time (/ot): 16h (server reset)

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No, I played 2015-2017 then popped on the next maps scarcely.

Previous Factions: ClubWeed, TheWicked, DreadLords, Unity, Kuuntum, OhChit

Reasons you left: These factions disbanded as time went by. Players began to remain offline as I joined other factions. These factions were around 5-7 years ago.

Why we should accept you over others: I have a personal connection with this server, it has been a part of my live since my Middle school days and continued throughout my Highschool years. However, despite my long absence, I am excited to join back and become an active member of a team of experienced and well-minded players. I have a good understanding of the faction process and I am thrilled to use my knowledge to contribute to the expansion of Eden. Though I am experienced in a good chuck of MCD history, I am always eager to learn more. I am a lifelong student to Minecraft, and I am committed to continuously improve my skills and knowledge to become a valuable member to Eden. I would love the opportunity to join Eden and collaborate with likeminded and passionate players to achieve shared goals.

What do you want from us as a faction: As a faction, I am eager to collaborate with experienced players who share my passion for MCD. Together, we can work towards achieving shared objectives and contribute to the growth and development of Eden. One of my primary goals is to deepen my understanding of the new complexities introduced in both the latest Minecraft updates and MCLabs. By working with other players, We can learn together more quickly and efficiently. I take pride in being a team player, and I enjoy contributing to shared projects. In which these projects will not only enhance my skill in game but also gives me the opportunity to make a positive impact on the Eden community. I am excited to work with ya'll, and I am committed to contribute my best to the team's success.



New Member
Ingame Name: Kinglovie


Time Zone: PST

Chem Rank:tech

Online Time (/ot):18 hr (havent play much this wipe)

Do you have discord: yes loviebear#5433

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):
no i have been on about every map since 2020
Previous Factions: no

Reasons you left:

Why we should accept you over others: I am a grinder i do what ever need to be done dose not matter how long it takes to finish it i wont stop till i am done

What do you want from us as a faction: I want to stop being a solo player on this sever
Last edited:


Staff member
2021 Gold Founder
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: Kinglovie


Time Zone: PST

Chem Rank:tech

Online Time (/ot):18 hr (havent play much this wipe)

Do you have discord: yes loviebear#5433

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):
no i have been on about every map since 2020
Previous Factions: no

Reasons you left:

Why we should accept you over others: I am a grinder i do what ever need to be done dose not matter how long it takes to finish it i wont stop till i am done

What do you want from us as a faction: I want to stop being a solo player on this sever

Denied - Please feel free to re-apply when you have more online time


New Member
Ingame Name: DaedricLord

Age: 19

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Chemist

Online Time (/ot): 107 hours

Do you have discord: Yes, haaps3#7601

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes

Previous Factions: None

Why we should accept you over others: I play on MCLabs a good amount, have good communication skills, and am decent at 1.19 PvP (though I realize the faction isn't PvP oriented). I also enjoy building a lot, and would like to learn more about utilitarian / factions building methods.

What do you want from us as a faction: The opportunity to engage in automated / mass farming methods and a reasonably safe method of playing on the otherwise risky factions world.


New Member
Ingame Name: Question_Box

Age: 33

Time Zone: Central

Chem Rank: Biochemist

Online Time (/ot): 102 hours, 53 minutes at the time of this writing

Do you have discord: I do.

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):

It is not. I played heavily on the 2018-2019 map (I do not remember specifically which one) until I graduated from graduate school. At that point, I needed to focus on my career and then covid and all of the other fun things happened. I have now settled into my career and decided to come back to the server as I find it relaxing after being at work all day.

Previous Factions:
I do not remember the name of it, but I was in a faction with Nova when I last played the map.

Reasons you left:
As stated above, I graduated from graduate school and started to build my career. My career is now stable and in a good place and I decided to come back to see how the server was and find myself hooked once again.

Why we should accept you over others: I am a mature, older player (by comparison) who will cause no issues or drama. I enjoy running my shop in spawn, grinding out chems and running them to dealers. I also enjoy muling quite a bit and think it is fun. The most fun I have is making potions and stocking them in my shop and for personal use. I would be more than happy to keep the faction supplied with whatever potions they liked. I love to help other players in that regard. I may not ever have the highest balance or be the highest rank, I just enjoy the grind and farming and making potions when it comes down to it.

What do you want from us as a faction: At the core of it, I am looking for a laid back environment where I can farm and help others and contribute to something bigger than just being alone with my small farms. I recognize a lot of the older names in the faction from years ago and don't remember them being dramatic or seriously toxic (a little toxicity in jest never hurt anyone), so that is a draw as well. No offense to other factions or players, but there are only a couple factions I would join because of the quality of their members, and Eden is my top choice. I'm too old to come home from my career job every day and put up with drama or kids on minecraft. I would rather play alone than deal with that, ha

Look forward to hearing from you.


New Member
Ingame Name: trippienewtz

Age: 23

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Prestige 1 Director

Online Time (/ot): 182 hours

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes I believe this is my first map, it's possible I played on the original MCDrugs but I'm not 100% sure and when I played back then it wasn't too serious.

Previous Factions: N/A

Reasons you left: N/A

Why we should accept you over others: I should be accepted because I am willing to put in the grind when need be. This is my first lab wars and I have so far remained at #1 on the overall leaderboard with having just manual farms. I am excited to continue to grow and develop new strategies to make money/rev. I am also no slouch when it comes to PvP, I won't claim to be the best because I am not but I can put up a solid fight. I feel like I could be useful to the faction when it comes to events, PvP and generating cash. I was talking with Aloetic and he recommended that I apply as he thinks I would be a good fit with you all.

What do you want from us as a faction: I am just looking for a cool group of people to get to know and bounce ideas off of and collaborate with. Minecraft is a fun game solo, but it becomes a whole other thing when you got a cool group of people with like minded goals. As mentioned before I like to grind so I'm not looking for any sort of free pass to the top, I'm willing to put in the work and help this faction in any way that I can.


Staff member
2021 Gold Founder
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: DaedricLord

Age: 19

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Chemist

Online Time (/ot): 107 hours

Do you have discord: Yes, haaps3#7601

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes

Previous Factions: None

Why we should accept you over others: I play on MCLabs a good amount, have good communication skills, and am decent at 1.19 PvP (though I realize the faction isn't PvP oriented). I also enjoy building a lot, and would like to learn more about utilitarian / factions building methods.

What do you want from us as a faction: The opportunity to engage in automated / mass farming methods and a reasonably safe method of playing on the otherwise risky factions world.


Staff member
2021 Gold Founder
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: Question_Box

Age: 33

Time Zone: Central

Chem Rank: Biochemist

Online Time (/ot): 102 hours, 53 minutes at the time of this writing

Do you have discord: I do.

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):

It is not. I played heavily on the 2018-2019 map (I do not remember specifically which one) until I graduated from graduate school. At that point, I needed to focus on my career and then covid and all of the other fun things happened. I have now settled into my career and decided to come back to the server as I find it relaxing after being at work all day.

Previous Factions:
I do not remember the name of it, but I was in a faction with Nova when I last played the map.

Reasons you left:
As stated above, I graduated from graduate school and started to build my career. My career is now stable and in a good place and I decided to come back to see how the server was and find myself hooked once again.

Why we should accept you over others: I am a mature, older player (by comparison) who will cause no issues or drama. I enjoy running my shop in spawn, grinding out chems and running them to dealers. I also enjoy muling quite a bit and think it is fun. The most fun I have is making potions and stocking them in my shop and for personal use. I would be more than happy to keep the faction supplied with whatever potions they liked. I love to help other players in that regard. I may not ever have the highest balance or be the highest rank, I just enjoy the grind and farming and making potions when it comes down to it.

What do you want from us as a faction: At the core of it, I am looking for a laid back environment where I can farm and help others and contribute to something bigger than just being alone with my small farms. I recognize a lot of the older names in the faction from years ago and don't remember them being dramatic or seriously toxic (a little toxicity in jest never hurt anyone), so that is a draw as well. No offense to other factions or players, but there are only a couple factions I would join because of the quality of their members, and Eden is my top choice. I'm too old to come home from my career job every day and put up with drama or kids on minecraft. I would rather play alone than deal with that, ha

Look forward to hearing from you.


Staff member
2021 Gold Founder
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: trippienewtz

Age: 23

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Prestige 1 Director

Online Time (/ot): 182 hours

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes I believe this is my first map, it's possible I played on the original MCDrugs but I'm not 100% sure and when I played back then it wasn't too serious.

Previous Factions: N/A

Reasons you left: N/A

Why we should accept you over others: I should be accepted because I am willing to put in the grind when need be. This is my first lab wars and I have so far remained at #1 on the overall leaderboard with having just manual farms. I am excited to continue to grow and develop new strategies to make money/rev. I am also no slouch when it comes to PvP, I won't claim to be the best because I am not but I can put up a solid fight. I feel like I could be useful to the faction when it comes to events, PvP and generating cash. I was talking with Aloetic and he recommended that I apply as he thinks I would be a good fit with you all.

What do you want from us as a faction: I am just looking for a cool group of people to get to know and bounce ideas off of and collaborate with. Minecraft is a fun game solo, but it becomes a whole other thing when you got a cool group of people with like minded goals. As mentioned before I like to grind so I'm not looking for any sort of free pass to the top, I'm willing to put in the work and help this faction in any way that I can.


New Member
Eden Faction Recruitment

Eden Information:
  • Eden is a faction run by some old school players who have become experts when it comes to MCLabs. The leaders include parcheesi15, Dan0308, Aloetic, mhow, and MissPatient
  • Many of our current and past members have become very well-known and high-ranking members on the server.
  • We are a very farming-oriented faction but are not afraid to engage in raiding and PvP when the occasion arises.
  • We are looking for players who enjoy grinding on the server and thinking big. We love people who are actively engaging in chat with others and joining our discord so we can get to know you!
  • If you would like more information before applying, you can /mail send parcheesi15 in-game (or any of the leaders) or message me on discord @Parcheesi#8801

(Having all of these requirements does not guarantee a spot in the faction)

  • We would like you to have at least 100 hours of online time. Use /ot to check.

  • We would like you to be at least Trainee rank.

  • We would like you to not have any strong negative relationships with other players. We greatly rely on and appreciate our drama-less environment and will not stand for toxicity within the faction.

  • Having Discord is a requirement as it is one of our main channels of communication.

  • Be 16 years or older

*All joke applications will be deleted and result in possible forum punishments

Please copy and paste this template below and fill it out completely.


Ingame Name: crysik

Age: 17

Time Zone: est

Chem Rank: pharmacologist

Online Time (/ot): 86 hours 42mins

Do you have discord: yes its tweak762

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): no first map i played was the one years ago when preston and ssundee played (2013-2014) i think

Previous Factions: none

Reasons you left: n/a

Why we should accept you over others: im a good runner and i got alot of free time

What do you want from us as a faction: im bored and its sum todo

You can expect a response to your application within 7 days. Thank you!


New Member
Ingame Name: six2L

Age: 23

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Bioengineer

Online Time (/ot): 20h

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): First map of MCLabs. played many maps during the MCDrugs era.

Previous Factions: Eden

Reasons you left: Took a break after the MCLabs switch over, never actually "left".

Why we should accept you over others: I know many if not most of the members of the faction, I put in the time and the grind and I can bring many beneficial qualities to the table.

What do you want from us as a faction: A place to call home once more. Getting back into the game seriously again after a long pause and I am trying to maximize my quality of time by having a group of likeminded people around me.


New Member
Ingame Name: Novuscraft

Age: 25

Time Zone: PST

Chem Rank: Bioengineer

Online Time (/ot): 124h

Do you have discord: yes (novuscraft)

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):
Previous Factions:
Reasons you left:
Never been in one
Why we should accept you over others:
while I might not be a good raider, I could help supply the faction with building materials (wallgens, materials, etc) if ordered to
What do you want from us as a faction:
I want a faction to join to farm with others and to pass the time


Staff member
Ingame Name:


Time Zone:

Chem Rank:
Junky 1 prestige

Online Time (/ot):
622h 49m

Do you have discord:
Yes, am already in the Eden discord

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):
No, I've been here since 2016

Previous Factions:
OhChit, KOTN, OhChit, Valhalla, OhChit, Eden, OhChit

Reasons you left:
Usually was just loyalty to people I've played with since I started, and mostly because I don't have the time to run a faction/base build etc etc; but I do have a town with my OG peeps so I don't plan on recreating ohchit in factions world.

Why we should accept you over others:
I am just a casual player but I do like farming and I have contributed a lot of my time to the server.

What do you want from us as a faction:
Blaze rods. But really I would enjoy playing with active players. I've been able to manage my time lately to be somewhat active and I'd be grateful if you'd have me.


Staff member
2021 Gold Founder
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name:


Time Zone:

Chem Rank:
Junky 1 prestige

Online Time (/ot):
622h 49m

Do you have discord:
Yes, am already in the Eden discord

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):
No, I've been here since 2016

Previous Factions:
OhChit, KOTN, OhChit, Valhalla, OhChit, Eden, OhChit

Reasons you left:
Usually was just loyalty to people I've played with since I started, and mostly because I don't have the time to run a faction/base build etc etc; but I do have a town with my OG peeps so I don't plan on recreating ohchit in factions world.

Why we should accept you over others:
I am just a casual player but I do like farming and I have contributed a lot of my time to the server.

What do you want from us as a faction:
Blaze rods. But really I would enjoy playing with active players. I've been able to manage my time lately to be somewhat active and I'd be grateful if you'd have me.
Accepted - Please message an Eden/Gaia Co-Leader next time you are online to get your invite!


New Member
Eden Faction Recruitment

Eden Information:
  • Eden is a faction run by some old school players who have become experts when it comes to MCLabs. The leaders include parcheesi15, Dan0308, Aloetic, mhow, and MissPatient
  • Many of our current and past members have become very well-known and high-ranking members on the server.
  • We are a very farming-oriented faction but are not afraid to engage in raiding and PvP when the occasion arises.
  • We are looking for players who enjoy grinding on the server and thinking big. We love people who are actively engaging in chat with others and joining our discord so we can get to know you!
  • If you would like more information before applying, you can /mail send parcheesi15 in-game (or any of the leaders) or message me on discord @Parcheesi#8801

(Having all of these requirements does not guarantee a spot in the faction)

  • We would like you to have at least 100 hours of online time. Use /ot to check.

  • We would like you to be at least Trainee rank.

  • We would like you to not have any strong negative relationships with other players. We greatly rely on and appreciate our drama-less environment and will not stand for toxicity within the faction.

  • Having Discord is a requirement as it is one of our main channels of communication.

  • Be 16 years or older

*All joke applications will be deleted and result in possible forum punishments

Please copy and paste this template below and fill it out completely.


Ingame Name: cundy__

Age: 22

Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time

Chem Rank: Intern

Online Time (/ot): 76hrs

Do you have discord: Yes.

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes it is my first time on this server.

Previous Factions: NIL

Reasons you left: NIL

Why we should accept you over others: About 5-6 years ago was playing cartel with brad, parch among a few and was a very strong member in the faction and am quite active.

What do you want from us as a faction: Just want too belong too a good group of people.

You can expect a response to your application within 7 days. Thank you!


New Member
Ingame Name: Blais21


Time Zone: cst

Chem Rank:Pham

Online Time (/ot): 182hr

Do you have discord: yes blaise0791

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify) i played when this was a drug server. first time back since then

Previous Factions: n/a

Reasons you left: IRL JOB. I didn't have time then. Now I work from home so im always on either active or afk.

Why we should accept you over others: I work from home so I am usually online. Great at Farming, raiding, will afk when needed, Base building, automated farm building.

Really want to work with an active faction to climb ranks and build us up faction top if we aren't there yet.

Plus I would like to build some auto farms from bedrock to build height.

I am a great team player. And available all the time. I get things quickly. Played factions for many years.

What do you want from us as a faction: Active group, no drama, and a great team to dominate the leader boards with!


New Member

Ingame Name: Daddying

Age: 18

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Prestige 1 analyst

Online Time (/ot): 135h

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):

No, I have been on and off for a few years since about 2018.
Previous Factions:
Reasons you left:
School started up/inactivity.
Why we should accept you over others:
I am a former member and also am putting in more hours this map. Im a good contributor to the lab and always try to help gain more rev.
What do you want from us as a faction:
People that can help each other when it comes to a booster or something, supply drop etc.
You can expect a response to your application within 7 days. Thank you!


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: kFost

Age: 24

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Junky (pres 3)

Online Time (/ot): 1,013 hours

Do you have discord: yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No, i've been playing since like 2019

Previous Factions: Kittens

Reasons you left: Was advised by Parch to apply, looking for a new, active environment.

Why we should accept you over others: I've been playing mclabs for a decent amount of years, i've got good /ot, nothing on my /history, and i'm an averagely known player on the server.

What do you want from us as a faction: a friendly, active community, that i can thrive with!

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