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Vynilz & ImWaxySquid Harrassing me and my friend

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Kennedy Carman

New Member
This started when started Vynilz insulting my best friend's gender and then started calling me horrible names for sticking up for her. ImWaxySquid supported Vynilz when he called us similar names. I won't repeat any of these names but I do have screenshots of both of them.




As a supporter to my friend and the LGBT community, I do take offense to someone who uses "gay" as an insult, especially when asked to stop. This was also in public chat and these players deliberately meant to humiliate us. Rule #6 says to treat everyone with respect. I have given up trying to reason with them so I am bringing this to the attention of you guys. For now, I have used /ignore however, I don't think anyone deserves the same attention as these guys and I think they deserve someone to talk to them about how this kind of attention isn't welcoming. Thanks for reviewing this.


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
I would recommend just using /ignore. There are worse things than this said in reactions, to be honest.

If I were online, I would have told them to pack it in, but this isn't something I would retroactively issue a mute or warning for. The only kind of people who would start something like that would have to be 12, so usually just ignoring them or telling them to shut the fuck up tends to work.
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