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Denied Ban Appeal - ajaake

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Member Name ajaake

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: ajaake

Length of Ban: Permanent

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : Minecraft

Staff who banned you : Dakota

Staff who dealt with you : Dakota

Staff who have warned you previously : No warnings

Reason for ban on record : Duplicating

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : I was banned because I duplicated items.

Why what is your explanation of this reason? I didn't realize the consequence of my actions when I duplicated items and I was younger and more ignorant than I am now.

Why should we unban you? You should unban me because I am a very dedicated player and I wish to continue playing MC Drugs again. I also wish to play your new server again with my friends.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? I will learn from my mistakes and make sure not to do the same again. I also record videos of hackers and if I get unbanned I will be reporting players for breaking the rules.

How can we trust you again? You can trust me again because I have changed a lot since the time of my ban. My ban was over 2 years ago and since that time I have became a moderator on a server (I won't put the name here but if its needed I will) and from that I've learned a lot of lessons that will ensure I don't make the same mistakes as I did last time.

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? I was told by Dakota to write 5 paragraphs explaining why I should be unbanned and I have written that here.

Hello, my name is Kyle and I am an old player of the server from about two years ago. I was banned and blacklisted for the duplication of items and since that time I have appealed a few different times but non with success. Recently I joined the teamspeak and talked to Dakota and was told to write a 5 paragraphs explaining why I should be unbanned. I have 4 main reasons that I should be unbanned from the server.

My first reason I should be unbanned from the server is that I have gained a lot of experience with rules and how they work for I have been staff on a small server. I have been posting reports on them and keeping the server clear of abuser/hackers. This being said I’m now older and I have matured over time. I understand my mistakes and how they have affected mc drugs in the past. I will now keep my actions strongly monitored and make sure everything I do doesn’t go against the rules. I will take full responsibility of my actions and make sure my past isn’t repeated.

My second reason that I should be unbanned is that I have matured since the time of my ban. When I was banned over two years ago I was very ignorant and I didn’t understand the consequences of my actions. Now that I am a bit older I understand and take responsibility for my actions. I wish that I had done the same when I was banned 2 years ago but if I get a second chance I will take responsibility for my actions.

The reason I duplicated in the first place was because I was approached by a player that said he had found a way to duplicate items. Being ignorant and young I agreed to duplicating with him. I really regret this decision and I wish I could change it. It was a very dumb thing of me to do and it being over 2 years ago that I was banned i’m hoping that I can be forgiven and given another chance.

Im apologizing to the staff members who were apart of my ban and who had to waste their time to patch this glitch. I’m sorry I abused it and once a glitch/abuse comes my way I’ll be sure to report it no matter the cost of friends getting banned. I have matured over time and now understand how this affected the server as well as its staff team and players. Im very sorry and I thank you for giving me another chance and for taking the time to read this. Thank you for taking the time to read this ban appeal and I hope to see you on the server soon if this does get accepted.

- I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes.
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