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Invalid "pvp logging"

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I was running away from general_eric when the console said "you are out of combat, you may log off now" so I log off for a split second come back on and now he is in my face giving him and advantage in the chase I make it out due to the "pool noodle II" and I do /home and he reports me for pvplogging, now the rules say "no pvp/cop logging" which is all fine and dandy but I didn't know this meant leaving in a chase because it isn't specified in the rules and I feel its unfair to punish me for breaking a certain detail to the rule that was never told until now, look at it from my point of view, you lose your inventory because you broke a rule that no one knew about? its a bit messed up, and I told the person that cleared my inventory that I recently grabbed stuff that wasn't on me at the time and asked if I could get it back he said no idc, its unfair treatment and I feel that I should atleast be considered and not just told whats whats, but actually someone were to sit down and think about my side of this.

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