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Denied Ban Appeal - arth2020


New Member
Member Name arth2020

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: arth2020

Length of Ban: alt

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : perm

Staff who banned you : ogdaddy

Staff who dealt with you : none

Staff who have warned you previously : none

Reason for ban on record : alt

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : Since we have the same IP, and even share the same Minecraft computer sometimes he must have thought that I was my bro.

Why what is your explanation of this reason? I already did the creepy voice verification thing alreaeeady.

Why should we unban you? Cause im not an altt!

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again?

How can we trust you again?

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case?


New Member
Like im pretty sure I talked to OGDaddy, there were tons of admins online. Plus this arth2020 account has been online for a few weeks now idk why it has been banned now. :( im sad


Staff member
Appeal Denied, the past four alt accounts I have banned on your ip has been your "brother" also. Hasn't done the verification on ts. Failed too last time, wasted an hour of staff time.


New Member
Appeal Denied, the past four alt accounts I have banned on your ip has been your "brother" also. Hasn't done the verification on ts. Failed too last time, wasted an hour of staff time.

I clearly did the voice verification, I do not know before but I did it with the admins on the teamspeak


New Member
We both talked at the same time and I clearly remember them asking us to say like "how much wood can a wood pecker" and we said it and they said oh its fine.


New Member
I did the verification on June 17, check the AirElites ban page if you want proof. For a few minutes that account was unbanned BECAUSE OGDaddy was unsure which account to do the verification on, and since AirElites isn't my account I quickly told him that arth2020 was the account and he rebanned it.

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