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Denied Ban Appeal - BBC_IN_ME123


New Member

In-Game Name:

Reason for ban Doxing and toxicity

Length of ban: permanent

Place of ban (e.g. in-game, Discord, TS3, etc.) in game

Staff who banned you parcheesi

Did any other staff deal with you before you were banned? Yes

Please specify their names ace, infamous

Did you receive warnings prior to your ban? No

Why do you think you were banned? The reason I was banned was because I was being immature and the things I was saying were really messed up. I have realized how immature of me that was.

What is your explanation for your actions? Why should you be unbanned?
I know that toxicity and doxing is really messed up I have learned how messed up it is and how scared they can be from it I have grown up and now don't say that kind of stuff to people because I know how it feels like to get doxed.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? I was being really immature and didn't think what I was saying but now I think what I say and I know that being toxic and doxing is a really messed up thing to do.

How can you ensure we can trust you again? I have matured and realized what I was saying was messed up and it could have been hurtful to the people I was saying it too you might not think I have matured but I have and you can trust me because I spent the last 3 months being a better person.

What else would you like to say to the admins reviewing your appeal? I hope I can get another chance to play and I'm sorry for the stuff I said about doxing and being toxic towards people.
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New Member
For the What is your explanation for your actions? Why should you be unbanned? I meant to say I know that toxicity and doxing is really messed up.

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