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Invalid report on MLGBaconBro


New Member
Your IGN :ItzAzdro
Player to be reported : MLGBaconBro
Player being reported Rank : lieutenant
Describe your issue in detail : i was pretending to be afk in spawn and MLGBaconBro decided to come up to me and frisk me.... the sign reads "cops can get you past the red line" he also went on to say that he was chasing someone then thought i was them.... this is false because he spent a good 10 seconds seeing if i was afk
Why do you feel this is worth a report : because i do not like scumbags like him and would like to make MC-Drugs a better place
Attached Evidence here :


Well-Known Member
Hi ItzAzdro.

As I explained to you and MLGBaconBro In game. Being frisked whilst stood on the line Is allowed. It's fair game.
I can see you are holding a stack of cactus In your hand, taunting him. Intentionally attempting to get him Into trouble.

Thank you. Killah121.
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New Member
holding drugs is nothing to do with it actually.. if i wasnt holding drugs he would have probably still frisked me


Well-Known Member
Regardless of weather If you were holding drugs or not. If you're stood on the line itself, It's fair game.


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
There is no fair reason to be on the line - If you're on the line you're either;
  1. Intentionally taunting the cops to arrest you - in which case, they have all right to do so.
  2. Running straight out of the spawn building to run drugs - in which case, client to client lag could compensate for a single block of movement anyway & the cop would be fine to arrest you.
  3. Running away from a cop back into spawn - in which case, as long as the cop does not pass the line himself he may arrest you.
Tip - don't stand around the line with drugs for no reason. It's fair game.

I do however appreciate the report, and the effort put into providing evidence, of which we encourage greatly.
Blatant frisking in spawn is against the rules and cops will always be penalised or demoted for it.

We expect players to pick up on tips like this as they progress through the ranks via playing the server, this is another reason as to why jail sentences are longer for experienced players and shorter for inexperienced players - to allow them to learn and grow without undue punishment.

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