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Denied Ban Appeal - OTFGod

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Member Name OTFGod

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: OTFGod

Length of Ban: 4 Days | Brothers account perm ban

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : TEMP BAN

Staff who banned you : kidcar

Staff who dealt with you : kidcar

Staff who have warned you previously : -

Reason for ban on record : 1st temp was for "Xraying"
2nd extended ban for "Alting"

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : This is bullshit and just annoying me I have no client and no xray I haven't raided any base except for being tpd in to a base from DxnkMemeZ

Why what is your explanation of this reason? I have not used xray and there is no proof and I don't alt just because I have another account under my IP-Address doesn't mean I'm alting you just banned my brothers account permanently which is unfair as if you are that stupid enough if I was to have a alt it wouldn't be as high of a rank as he is... If i alted i wouldn't bother ranking up nor is he in my faction which means im not using him for power he plays the server just like I do

Why should we unban you? Because this is unfair as I haven't used XRAY except for DxnkMeme tp glitching and tping us in to a base, the alting bit is just bullshit as I have already explained myself I don't even have a alt account...

And just to get this straight my brother uses his friends alt that he has given to my brother and SpiceyX is his friend and I can get him to vouch for this if you want he was over at our house today I know this may sound suss but it's seriously the truth.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? Nothing because I don't alt or xray so theres nothing for me to stop just these idiotic staff members assuming I ban evade using a alt because my brother plays the server LOL!
Just idiotic...

How can we trust you again? You have my word but I haven't done anything to lose trust as I've done nothing wrong and this is a unjustified ban

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE BANING ME AND MY BROTHER AND ME FOR "ALTING" :)
And also you might wanna deal with dxnkmemez for tping me in to the base

Please unban this is unfair and I have spent a lot of time and just annoyed as I have people looking for my base and I can't look after my base.


Staff member
I will let Kidcar put his facts in about the xray. As far as the alt ban, they are justified... You said Spiceyx is your "brother" which was banned almost 3 days ago for an alt and you are just now bringing that up... He wasn't even banned last night when you were banned but long before, and the account isn't even a high rank... It is trafficker, which is still a low rank. There is also a 3rd account on your IP which got banned when you were banned last night... Snakeyx, also a low rank account of mule. Your story doesn't match for you being innocent. The alts will remain perm banned unless you and your brother can come on TeamSpeak and speak with us then log on and play together at the exact same time.

@Kidcar if you will please put your info on the xray that would be great thanks.


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DrugPass III
2021 Gold Founder
Someone made a complaint of their vault being xrayed so i went to take a look. The vault was surrounded by lava at the top and there was a hole leading straight down to the vault but avoiding all of the lava. There is no way for someone to find a vault like that without a hacked client. This appeal is denied.
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