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Denied Ban Appeal - Smokeyyyy_

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Member Name Smokeyyyy_

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: Smokeyyyy_

Length of Ban: 7 Days

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : Temp ban

Staff who banned you : No one

Staff who dealt with you : No one

Staff who have warned you previously : A few since i was banned before.

Reason for ban on record : Traces as a cop,

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : I don't understand why I was banned? I was cop then switched back not being cop then I already got bored... I like to switch to both as its more fun, I came back on as saw I was banned for traces, I do not know why in this situation I was banned?

Why what is your explanation of this reason? I don't have an explaination i really do not know why i was banned?

Why should we unban you? I think you should unban me as i really was starting to get back on track to start playing the server! Being cool to others make as much money and just really enjoy it, i have learnt my mistake from last ban.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? I don't know because i don't know what i did wrong...

How can we trust you again? You should be able to trust me as i did nothing wrong indeed.

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? Nothing else to say.


Staff member
You were banned for tracers because I received a video in which you were clearly using tracers to track down an invis person. Appeal denied due to video evidence clearly showing you using a hacked client / illegal mod.


Staff member
I will have to get the video from the person that reported it. Once I get it I will pm you a link to it. The video clearly shows you doing a 180 after running past the invis drug runner to come back to the exact location and it happens more than once while the video was being recorded even with the person inside a house and out of sight from you.
That was Witch I could see her particles the full time I know where she goes... seriously I don't even have mod clients I don't hack I play legit I wouldn't do that I love playing on this server!


Staff member
Well i'm glad you remember who it was so i'm not gonna go thru the hastle of getting the video and posting it and all that unless you just want... It clearly shows you fly by her while she was around a corner. "No you could not see the particles from the angle she was at because she was hidden behind a wall well away from you". You then 180 and come directly at her... mind your back was towards her so you still not see particles because you were facing away... I have watched the video 4 times and the same verdict every time. Tracers. The appeal will remain as denied.


Staff member
f5 will not show her particles inside a building in which you chased her down on the 2nd time through. Once again. Appeal Denied.
This is very much mistaken! I have never hacked on any servers, why do I need to hack? I come to enjoy this server as it is i'm not that kind of person please take full notice you will see that I do not hack
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