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Oli6160 being immature and unprofessional


Your IGN : Lozar
Player to be reported : Oli6160
Player being reported Rank : Helper
Describe your issue in detail : My issue with this helper is that he is very immature, he acts like a dumbass and tries to just enjoy the server for himself and noone else, he doesn't care about the members, doesn't respect any and just ends up writing stupid stuff in chat and it's very unprofessional for a helper to do these kind of stuff.
Why do you feel this is worth a report : He is a very unprofessional and immature helper.
Attached Evidence here : Look through logs, there are more but i got 3 pics which shows clear immaturity. He has no respect of what i was typing in chat and just because english isn't my first language he makes fun of how i write some words.

I looked through my logs and i found some interresting sentences

[21:50:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: you need a lot of help
[21:50:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: :D
[21:50:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: on learning how to make a base
[21:50:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: LOL
[21:50:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Oli
[21:50:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: also tips on what faction to join
[21:50:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§7NxtGen§f] §f[§1Smuggler§f] §f§f§fWildfire89§f: i think my lighting is glitching out
[21:50:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: ur dumb
[21:50:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bThanksForTheHead§f: §4§llozar, you guys are fucking idiots for messing with us lol
[21:50:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: tip #1 don't join girth
[21:50:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLLL
[21:50:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Oli
[21:50:55] [Client thread/WARN]: Received passengers for unknown entity
[21:50:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Ur 16
[21:50:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: im 12
[21:50:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: immature kid
[21:51:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[Girth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: stfu
[21:51:04] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: sa,e
[21:51:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§7NxtGen§f] §f[§dDealer§f] §f§f§f_PaniK§f: Can anyone give me 1 cocoa bean?
[21:51:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§7NxtGen§f] §f[§1Smuggler§f] §f§f§fWildfire89§f: this place is huge
[21:51:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Auctions] Attention, an auction is beginning! Type /auc silent to turn off auction chat.
[21:51:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Auctions] Mr_Toit is auctioning 1 Enchanted Book for 1 min, 0 sec. Starting bid: $12000. Bid increment: $2500. Type /auction info for full details.
[21:51:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: i might be 16 but i can still fuck your bitch

Don't understand why he is talking shit, acts super arrogant and doesn't listen. I clearly told him a while ago to shut up, but he just didn't stop, he still went on for another 5 minutes for no reason really, besides being a immature kid.

[21:54:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: but i can still fuck your bitch
[21:53:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: EZZZZ LLLL
[21:53:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLLL
[21:53:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLL
[21:52:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: *an
[21:52:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: L
[21:52:21] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: yo boys I toss Fat LLLL's
[21:51:52] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLLLLLLLL
[21:51:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cX2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: but i can still fuck his bitch

etc and it just goes on and on and on, constantly Saying L, making fun of my english and "Fucks my bitch"

Eventually i talk about how much money i made from the farm he raided and once again, he is just acting arrogant and cocky asf, being very immature.

I did not enjoy the server at this time, mainly because of oli disrespecting me.


Staff member
Looks to me like this all because of faction drama... I noticed the faction you were in then noticed which Oli is in... Expect to get trashed when it comes to factions... don't whine about it... If you don't want to see his messages use /ignore. Helpers are still players too and can trash talk other factions... Its part of the game.


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
First, let me point out that this is directly after we raided one of your bases. I would like to explain that the context of the situation and my actions in regards to it were purely out of "faction banter", and I would like to go over all of the things that I said and explain them to you so that everybody viewing this report can have the full perspective; from both of our sides.

It started off with this (I have removed all of the excess stuff so that it is easy to read what is going on.):
[15:44:01][CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: Oli shoot threw the chests with ur rocket launcher
[15:44:03] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: I know you want too
[15:44:07] [CHAT] [X2F] [H] [KingPin] Oli: i already did
[15:44:08] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: :D
[15:44:09] [CHAT] [X2F] [H] [KingPin] Oli: lol
[15:44:09] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: no
[15:44:13] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: i am behind there
[15:44:14] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: :eek:
[15:44:25] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: Theres nothing valuable in the farm

You must remember these series of events as they are what led up to my alleged immature disrespect.
I don't respond to this because there is no point in doing so; it is just going to lead to pointless arguments.

This is the part where you continuously taunt me and I still continue to ignore it.
[15:46:33] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: so oli
[15:46:37] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+]lozar: enjoying staying in the farM?
[15:48:36] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: xd ur trying too hard to kill a invis
[15:49:23] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: I am here
[15:49:55] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: oww
[15:49:57] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: Headshot
[15:50:01] [CHAT] [Girth] [VIP+] lozar: xd

Right at this point is where I decided to respond with something that could not even be considered "disrespect".

[15:50:02] [CHAT] [X2F] [H] [KingPin] Oli: get deleted
[15:50:08] [CHAT] [X2F] [H] [KingPin] Oli: u just got awpewd

I said "get deleted" and "u just got awpewd" (meant to be AWPed) because Toker shot you with a bow while you were invisible and killed you in 1 hit. This was in no way disrespectful nor did I have any disrespectful intent, however it may have come off that way because of your mood in the situation. It is obvious to anybody from the previous spoiler that you were slightly upset at the situation.

This is where things started to "flare" up.
[15:50:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Hey mr helper i need help
[15:50:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: There are mean people in my base
[15:50:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: you need a lot of help
[15:50:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: :D
[15:50:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: on learning how to make a base
[15:50:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: LOL

At this point, I still don't see anything wrong with what I had said. Of course, me saying "you need to learn how to make a base" may come off as disrespectful, but I think that it was more of a bantering criticism that still did not have a direct disrespectful impact on you.

[15:50:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Oli
[15:50:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: also tips on what faction to join
[15:50:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: ur dumb
[15:50:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: tip #1 don't join girth
[15:50:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLLL

You called me dumb and I said "also tips on what faction to join // tip #1 don't join girth" and then I said "LLLLL" in quota to my statement.

First, I would like to explain this whole "L" thing. What came off as a direct attack to you was not intended towards you as much as it was intended to be a joke because I was talking to my faction mates in TeamSpeak at the time. This L thing has been a long-going joke that you may have misinterpreted, but I assure you that my intention was not to harm but just to be funny (which it wasn't really, but still.)

At this point, you start calling me immature and telling me to "stfu".
[15:50:50] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Oli
[15:50:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Ur 16
[15:50:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: im 12
[15:50:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: immature kid
[15:50:57] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: stfu
[15:51:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: sa,e
[15:51:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: i might be 16 but i can still fuck your bitch

"i might be 16 but i can still fuck your bitch".

Even to me, this is disrespectful. I can understand that this did indeed come off as disrespectful, but my main intention was for it to be funny. Obviously, I cannot "fuck your bitch", but what I was saying was simply meant to be a harmful joke thrown into some faction banter. This whole "fuck your bitch" thing is a joke that isn't meant to be disrespectful and the words in itself actually have no meaning. The only thing that can be implied as disrespect from this statement is the fact that I say imply "your" within it.

[15:51:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: You dont even know factions
[15:51:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cKingsOfTheNorth§f] §f[§dMod§f] §f§f§f§bZie§f: ur not 16
[15:51:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: ik
[15:51:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: but i can still fuck his bitch
[15:51:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: but Oli
[15:51:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: you cant raid a actual base
[15:51:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: LMAO

Here, I did say it again - however, I was just talking to Zie and trying to make him laugh at my stupid joke. Meanwhile, you continue to come onto me.

T] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: yes i can
[15:51:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: No
[15:51:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: lol
[15:51:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: pretty sure we just did?
[15:51:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: :D
[15:51:46] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: so your base isn't an actual base then
[15:51:48] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLLLLLLLL

Again, I bring out the L joke which isn't even meant to be disrespectful but is supposed to make me look dumb on purpose because it's funny.

[15:51:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: it wasnt a
[15:51:58] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: it was a unfinished farm
[15:51:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: or is the massive hole in the wall not us blowing into a basE?
[15:51:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Lol
[15:52:03] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Uhm?

You are talking to Toker entirely seperate at this point from me when I say this:

[15:52:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: yo boys I toss Fat LLLL's

This statement, which you put in your report, was me not even referring to you but instead talking myself up to the general people. I often do this; portray myself as grandiose and over exaggerate what I can actually do. Me saying "I toss Fat LLLL's" is just me mocking people who have said stuff like this in the past.

Now, you start attacking my character entirely, completely out of context.

15:52:20] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: You are just a ignorant arrogant kid
[15:52:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Lol
[15:52:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: *an
[15:52:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: L
[15:52:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: oh no
[15:52:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Grammar mistakes
[15:52:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: shit


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
It should be obvious to anybody that, because I am nit-picking your statements, I am just joking around. The L was again supposed to be me being grandiose and saying this because - it's the internet. If I give L's for correcting grammar than I myself look very stupid (part of the joke).

This is where you take your attack on me to the next level while I still just keep keeping up my whole L joke. In fact, I even tried to be nice to you to show that I am being harmless.

[15:52:42] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Listen oli
[15:52:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: ears open :)
[15:52:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: You cant even survive in the real world, ur a fucking cringy as 13 year old kid

To which Toker responds with:
[15:52:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: i might be a kid
[15:53:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: i cant
[15:53:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: but i can still fuck your bitch
[15:53:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: ^^^
[15:53:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cKingsOfTheNorth§f] §f[§dMod§f] §f§f§f§bZie§f: skrt
[15:53:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLL

My friend Toker is mocking me for my original statement, so I do the up arrows to imply I agree with him.
To which you just switch the advance and start attacking him as well.

[15:53:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Toker
[15:53:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: ?
[15:53:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Ur also cringy asf
[15:53:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: lol
[15:53:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: LLLLL

At this point, I still thought that it was all of us throwing playground insults around. From here, you can see that I was "giving L's" to Toker because of what you said.

[15:53:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: I might be cringy[15:53:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§aX2F§f] §f[§6I§f]§f [§8Junky§f] §f§f§f§bToker§f: but i can fuck your bitch
[15:53:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: ^^^^^
[15:53:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: EZZZZ LLLL

I fast tracked this a bit because a lot of it is just you, me and some other people discussing base defenses.

[15:55:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Can i ask why are you even a helper on the server? you seem to get people to get angry in chat more like
[15:55:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: cause i applied lozar
[15:55:51] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: With ur attitude you wont stay long
[15:55:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: xD
[15:55:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§cGirth§f] §f[§aVIP§6+§f] §f§f§flozar§f: Maybe 1 map
[15:56:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[X2F§f] §f[§9H§f] §f[§5KingPin§f] §f§f§f§bOli§f: well i didn't even last 1 map before so yeah you might be right

So you start attacking me and my position as a Helper, which I find completely unjust and unfair because this should not have extended outside of the faction banter to begin with; attacking my character as a whole is stretching it enough I believe but this was too far.

Anybody could gather from this that this was completely taken out of context and all of the L's and insults were just taken without your side of the story to make me look bad.


Oli you gotta understand everything you said after i told you to stfu is fully disrespectful and mainly just to make me sound like a retard in front of the server, it's just stupid to even see a helper encouraging disrespecting and flaming towards other factions.

What kind of joke is "i might be 16 but i can still fuck your bitch".? tbh sounds disrespectful to me and what does that have to do "Faction banter".

I was attacking you, it was very obvious i wasn't into the "faction banter" when i was attacking ur real life situation. I thought it was a clear sign i was annoyed of your disrespectful comments and picking on my grammar. You are arrogant and ignorant, you clearly didn't even listen. Everything after stfu shouldn't even been said. I don't mind the base jokes, walls jokes, raiding jokes, but the "Fuck your bitch" Jokes aren't actually jokes, just a disrespectful comment added because it was meant to be funny.

Afterwards i calmed and i told you how much money i got from the farm and the response was "tHaTs A lOt Of MoNeY, "L"oose" I spelt lose wrong and spelt it loose and you laughed at my name being Lozar and changed it to Loser. At this point my enjoyment for the server just went down a lot, we was far done with the "Factions banter" and he still went on with his "Funny Jokes" which in fact wasn't funny at all, just disrespectul.

It was clear sign of immaturity and disrespect from both sides, can't deny that, but it shouldn't even happened in the first place. Oli could have easily said "Alright let's stop now, he is getting annoyed" and i wouldn't mind anything, but we was talking in chat for 5 minutes just disrespecting each other for no real reason and it's just stupid and that imo is very unprofessional.

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