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Invalid ThaCandyMan: The unhelpful,unfair, and unprofessional admin. Server owners please take note.

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New Member
Thacandyman muted me from chat for 30 minutes, citing that, "I was warned not to roleplay about religion". First of all, I was never told to "not roleplay religion". In fact, he never even spoke to me at all before issuing this mute. What is more is that I never even discussed religion in any way, shape, or form at all. Let alone in a way that could be construed as "roleplay". Therefore being muted from chat for any reason to do with that is complete falsehood.
The first and only time I said anything religious at all was when Big Jew left the server.
Before Big Jew left he said something to the effect of, "lords blessing to all" or something like that.
I responded, 'Blessings upon you Big Jew".... and then I was muted for thirty minutes without warning.
The only reason it said for my muting was ,"I was warned not to roleplay about religion."
There is something seriously wrong with this assessment, as I was never once spoken to about religion.
When I went to the MCD teamspeak to discuss the reasoning behind this with ThaCandyMan, he banned me from the teamspeak server for two hours instead of answering any of my questions or providing any assistance. As you can see in the picture provided, I was banned for so much as inquiring into his reasoning for muting me. Instead of receiving any help, he replied to me saying "don't poke me... you know why I muted you." and then he banned me for two hours.
ThaCandyMan was extremely unprofessional, and took no regard for any of my questions, in he fact dismissed me entirely and called me a "constant annoyance."

I'll tell you what is a constant annoyance, the unfair and rash decision making of ThaCandyMan. This sort of behavior killing the server's reputation. Many people have become fed up with this, and when we so much as inquire into any sort of mute, ban or decision an admin has made, we are inundated with messages by admins and moderators to "obey rule 10". I'd like to think of this server as a business, and you don't refuse to help a customer because you feel "annoyed" by them. If you can't handle questions or comments when it is your job to do so, then perhaps the position isn't right for you.

I work in customer service, and when people ask me questions I answer them. If instead, I told them you are a constant annoyance, and kicked them out of the store for two hours, do you think I would still have a job?
Owners, please think about whether or not this type of behavior is something you are willing to accept, because I for one, as well as many others, will not.


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    Banned for asking questions.png
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New Member
Might I add that some people are religious and you are not doing yourself any favors by degrading them by telling them they are "roleplaying".


Staff member
The reason you were muted is plain and simple... You seen where I had told the multiple people in chat to stop with the religious roleplaying because it was getting annoying to some of the players in chat... Most of them stopped a few didn't... One got muted twice as long as you. You started arguing in chat about the decision for the mute and was told by multiple staff members to drop it... Then you decided you wanted to be a trouble maker and tell BigJew "Blessings to you BigJew" so I then muted you for wanting to cause issues once again.
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New Member
First of all, you can't call me a "trouble maker" for saying bless you to someone. Do you have something against religious people? I go to church every Sunday and it's kind of a disgrace you would treat me that way. Just because he is joking doesn't mean i'm not. And no matter how many warnings anyone gave to Big Jew doesn't change how you went about the issue you raised with me. You still refused to help at all on teamspeak or answer any questions. You still have nothing to say about the teamspeak ban? How o you defend you actions there?


Staff member
Because you know exactly why you were muted... There was nothing to discuss... I told you to stop poking me and you yet poked me again. That is why you got banned on team speak... I'm done talking with you... The owners can look at the logs and I will be glad to answer any questions they may have which after reviewing the logs I doubt they will need to ask me anything else but if so they know i'm always available on our discord.

And on the religion thing... No I don't have have anything against someones religion... I am church goer myself... fact of the matter is... This is a minecraft server... Not church. You knew exactly what you were doing when you typed it... You know you typed it just to cause trouble. No religion has place on a server because there are way too many religions to worry about people fighting over.
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New Member
You are avoiding the issue by saying "there was nothing to discuss" and that "you know exactly why you were muted." and "You know you typed it just to cause trouble". etc. You think I would bother asking why if I agreed with that assessment?? And your best defense of your actions is to say, "I told you to stop poking me and you yet poked me again."????... How dare I ask an admin a question!...If you can't handle questions, why are you an admin? If you think telling players they are annoying and refusing to answer questions helps create a sustainable business model for the owners of this server, than perhaps you should tell them this yourself. Because it seems you have all the time in the world. You are "always available on discord" for them, and "you'll be glad to answer any questions they have" but whenever it comes to any player questions I guess we can fuck right off huh? You think I like being in customer service?No I don't, but do I shit all over the customer because they asked me a question? NO! Are you losing respect for your position? Or did you ever have any at all? Because the way you carry yourself doesn't show me that you really think very much about how it will affect the server or your own image. People are losing respect for you, and staff in general over stupid shit like your doing. Just because it's almost Halloween doesn't mean you need to fling out bans and mutes like its candy, "candyman". If you can't do a job right, than don't do it at all.Nobody respects you, or your undeserved position, because of the way you handle yourself.


Staff member
I handle plenty of questions on a daily basis... It honestly saddens me that you take a 30 minute mute and turn it into a bashing thread. No one has come to me about any decision I have made and acted the way you're acting now. No one but you seem to have an issue with any of this. I'm not here to make people happy or to care about people who think I do or do not "Deserve" my position... Obviously the owners think I am doing a good job or I would have been gone a long time ago. So I guess there isn't as many people with problems with me as you seem to think. I've been doing this for over 3 years now and you sir are the only one in those 3 years that has taken a 30 minute mute and turned it into salt fest. I'm sorry that for what ever reason you cannot understand what you did wrong and you think trying to degrade me makes you somehow feel special or important. I just do my admin duties and if the owners ever have an issue with the way I handle things i'm sure they will come to me and ask me to change things.
This will be my final message in any type of response to you. The owners can handle the outcome of this "report" I hope you truly find happiness on the server or where ever you may end up sir. Good day to you.


New Member
You handle plenty of questions? I guess mine you couldn't handle, or couldn't be bothered. Do your job. And yeah I don't give a shit how long you muted me for, if it is bullshit, its bullshit. And I'll call you out for it. You weren't here to make people happy or to care about what people think even before I said you did't deserve your position. Because you never answered my questions before I even said anything on forums. And believe me there are plenty of people who think your cancer, they just cant be bothered to write about it, the same way you can't be bothered to answer questions. Im sure if they could just ban you away like you've done with my questions they would've done the same. Stop abusing your power.


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
There is a lot to respond to in this thread so I'm going to try and make my response as easy to understand as possible.

Firstly, as to why you were muted.
Often when there is some kind of mob mentality or chat riot about one specific joke, meme or any kind of rule there can be situations where mutes and bans are given out on a much harsher basis than other times. For example, if a group of people try to work together to spam the same type of thing, admins will often say that they will be muting players who continue this conversation. This is not an uncommon occurrence. From looking through the logs it of obvious that this is the kind of situation that the chat was in when your mute was issued.

It is clear from the situation in chat that people were taking the joke about the church too far, and bugging players for donations and generally overfilling the chat with garbage.

Candy Mutes the first person after other staff had told everyone to stop with the church stuff.
[22:20:58] [Server thread/INFO]: ThaCandyMan issued server command: /tempmute TrippyFrozen 1h Cut it out with the Church crap
You respond with this.
[22:21:04] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: gay
[22:21:12] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: dude thats bullshit
[22:21:51] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: dude your a shit admin if you just go around muting people because they say one thing

As do others in the chat.
[22:21:52] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rLooters �f[Dealer] LootedYourChest: 1 hour tf? you gay for that. Free my g TrippyFrozen
GoodChum quoted rule 10, as previously in the chat the entire server had been warned to stop with the church stuff as it was getting annoying.
[22:22:00] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [Spawn]�rConquest �f[A Quarrier][Mod] Goosebumps: NightSiege rule 10
Candy clarifies
[22:22:02] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [Spawn]�r�f[Admin] CandyCorn: You wanna roleplay go to a roleplay server
You continue to be toxic.
[22:22:03] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: #bad admin
Candy again makes the situation clear
[22:22:11] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [Spawn]�r�f[Admin] CandyCorn: or do it in msg and pc
[22:22:15] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [Spawn]�r�f[Admin] CandyCorn: Keep it out of main chat
Again, others in the chat continue to ignore the rules or generally flame staff.
[22:22:20] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rLooters �f[Dealer] LootedYourChest: Put it in the rules that its not allowed
Which you follow with more stupid comments
[22:22:33] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: #communism
Others in chat continue flaming
[22:22:39] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [Spawn]�rGlobal �f[Kingpin] freaksandgeeks: candy do you roleplay as a virgin neckbeard nerd who spends hours browsing 4chan
Again, you respond with more stupid comments
[22:22:41] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: # rule 10 abuse
Ridah clarifies to a player why "Do not start a movement in the chat about some church and continually bug players to donate to it" isn't in the rules.
[22:22:52] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rConquest �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] RidingHood: Read #10 and #15
To which your insightful reply is
[22:23:00] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: #ass kisser ridah
Other players in chat contribute to the toxic situation
[22:23:04] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [Spawn]�rGlobal �f[Kingpin] freaksandgeeks: ridah hang yourself with your dad's dick
The above player was permanently banned for this and other previous situations, however - you defend their comments along with others who were perpetuating the church stuff in chat.
[22:23:34] [Async Chat Thread - #191/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: yeah dude you should have at least warned him first tbh

You comment on the reason that you're calling the staff toxic
[22:26:21] [Async Chat Thread - #192/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: lol all i want to do is say whale clam to m-sea drugs but they never let me
Because it seems like the church shit is over in chat, Candy unmutes trippys and warns him again to keep it to msg.
[22:26:39] [Server thread/INFO]: ThaCandyMan issued server command: /m TrippyFrozen I'm gonna unmute you... keep the roleplay to msg and party chat.
A minute or so later, BigJew goes to leave and says this.
[22:28:02] [Async Chat Thread - #192/INFO]: [world]�rDisciples �f[A Fisherman][DrugBaron] BigJew: TrippyFrozen goodnight and shall jesus look over you
And disconnects two seconds later
[22:28:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [DrugBaron] BigJew left.
Which you reply to with this, this after he left.
[22:28:15] [Async Chat Thread - #192/INFO]: [world]�rEmpire �f[N Fisherman][VIP+] NightSiege: blessigs upon u big jew
You were finally muted.
[22:28:44] [Server thread/INFO]: ThaCandyMan issued server command: /tempmute NightSiege 30m Continuing with Roleplay when told to stop.

That is the entire situation. In my opinion, you should have been muted earlier. You actions are completely toxic and unjustifiable, it is clear that you were trying to cause problems in chat.


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
Secondly, regarding Candy personally as an admin.
There isn't much data I can provide to "prove you wrong", however - Candy is known in the staff team as one of the most lenient to enforce rules. This would be backed up by any players who actually appreciate the server and it's staff. However, this is true also if you look at the empirical evidence.

You will notice that Candy has the lowest amount of combined issued Warns/Mutes/Bans of any of the three admins that have been in their positions since the start of this map.
I'd like to add that this isn't entirely reliable as these counts get inflated when we have to deal with bots where we can issue up to 20+ bans in one go. However, my point still stands. It is statistically provable that if you receive action from Candy it is more likely to be a warning than a mute or a ban, more so than any other admin. I would finally like to add, that Candy also has the highest play time of all of our admins.

Thirdly, your general comments in this thread.
I'll tell you what is a constant annoyance, the unfair and rash decision making of ThaCandyMan. This sort of behavior killing the server's reputation. Many people have become fed up with this, and when we so much as inquire into any sort of mute, ban or decision an admin has made, we are inundated with messages by admins and moderators to "obey rule 10".
Honestly, who do you think you are to speak about our reputation? Our server has players that have been playing since the server began over five years ago. Our reputation has always been one that other servers have dreamt of. MCDrugs has spent a total of $0 in advertising because our reputation is one of our biggest assets. It's reasons such as my detailed responses to absolutely disgusting threads and replies such as yours that have earned us that respect and reputation.

I'd like to think of this server as a business, and you don't refuse to help a customer because you feel "annoyed" by them. If you can't handle questions or comments when it is your job to do so, then perhaps the position isn't right for you.
That's awesome for you. But I do not care how you like to think of our server. If we saw it as a business, we would not taken the
genre leading step in 2013 to be the first drug server to remove plots for donators, for which we took a look of flak from our players and even other server owners. We would not have again, been genre leading by entirely removing the sale of God-Tools and God-Armour from our server in 2014 (All of which was bizarre to see missing from a popular minecraft server back then), and finally - we would not have taken the step of making our store 100% server-wide or cosmetic benefit based this year, which has never been done on a Drug Server before.

Addressing you comments about not being able to answer comments or questions - there are correct and incorrect channels to ask questions. Joining teamspeak and poking staff repeatedly is an incorrect one. We have an open forum, which again is one of the mechanisms that have lead to our reputation as our ban appeals system is entirely open for comment and critique. Even if your mute was expired, you could still have appealed it and had it looked into. Any comments that our forums are not fair are entirely baseless - there is evidence from years of ban appeals and threads from which we have even demoted admins due to evidence being posted.

You think I like being in customer service?No
It's not our problem that you hate your job. Perhaps work harder and get into a job that you enjoy.

First of all, you can't call me a "trouble maker" for saying bless you to someone. Do you have something against religious people? I go to church every Sunday and it's kind of a disgrace you would treat me that way. Just because he is joking doesn't mean i'm not.
As a good christian boy why on earth are you playing on MCDrugs?! The bible says many things about drug use, and you don't seem to be a cop on the server either, so there's no using that excuse :(

Let me remind you of just two.
1 Peter 5:8

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Galatians 5:21
Envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

And no matter how many warnings anyone gave to Big Jew doesn't change how you went about the issue you raised with me. You still refused to help at all on teamspeak or answer any questions. You still have nothing to say about the teamspeak ban? How o you defend you actions there?
Our Teamspeak is a place that most of our staff use daily and often are doing things other than discussing minecraft in. There are rules there that are different to the server. Our admins are not forced to "work" as you seem to want them to be. If you had a question, you should not have repeatedly poked Candy on teamspeak. If you wished to get help on Teamspeak specifically you should have waited in the "Waiting for Help" room and poked or messaged an admin once. If you do not recieve help or are unhappy with waiting for however long it may take for an admin to deal with you, which is entirely up to them, as when they're not on the minecraft server they're under no obligation what so ever to do anything for us at all - you could have made a forum post, started a private conversation with a staff member on the forums or made a ticket in game.

If you actually read all of this, you can have one gold star for your "am I a big boy yet?" chart. But I am going to issue two day ban for absolutely wasting my time, forcing me to go through the logs and dispel the hurtful comments you made about our servers reputation, staff and "business practices". If you provide a reasonable response to my post I will consider adjusting your ban. I hope that this post achieved what you originally set out to achieve. If you have any further questions or want clarification on something that I said or perhaps something that I missed, feel free to reply or to do any of the things that I explained in my post.

Cheers :)
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New Member
Hello. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my thread. Im mostly upset about candy. I have no problem with you at all and I think you handled this professionally. I agree in hindsight I was being toxic. I know what its like to be on the receiving end of an angry customer and I dont wan't to be one of those people!

I think I entered into chat in an inconvienient time. From my end it looked like Big Jew was just being silly, but I didnt realize they had been carrying out some meme at length before I arrived.

From my perspective it seemed the admins were being a bit short. I dont like seeing abuse (what i percieved in the moment to be abuse) I thank you for your clarification on this. Also I don't mean to put words in your mouth about how you want to run your server either.

I do still have a problem with candy banning me when he could have easily directed me to the help room. I was going to ask legitimate questions if he would have let me. All it takes on his end is to say "hey this is not the correct way to go about getting answers could you please try the help channel before poking me?" Etc. etc.

Again thanks for replying. You've gone above and beyond my expectations here. Youve pointed out my wrongdoings while maintaining a respectful tone, and even managed to fit in some humor. I commend you good sir. Apologies for the fiasco here.


Retired Staff
Retired Staff
I have lifted your ban in game.

To answer your question - Teamspeak is an entirely different beast to the either the server or the forums. It is where most of us spend our free time, be it when we're on the server or not. Being poked on Teamspeak can be incredibly annoying as can take priority on your screen and plays a sound to you regardless whether you have your sound muted on Teamspeak itself or not. I can understand why you think he was being too harsh from banning you on Teamspeak if you haven't used Teamspeak before, however - he did reply telling you not to poke him, and I think you know why you were muted, you just disagreed that it was justified.

The Teamspeak is a very different place to the server. The rules are entirely different and in my opinion - the only thing that they share at this point is a logo. Everyone is absolutely welcome to join, as always - but be prepared for it to have a different attitude than the server.

I'd like to add - that we have a public (text only) discord. This chat is monitored by staff and helpers, and other players who have joined it can also chime in when they aren't even on the server. This is often the best place to get help if you're having trouble in game. You can find a link to this in game by typing /ts3
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